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Franklin & Marshall College Poll

Welcome to the Franklin & Marshall College Poll Newsletter! Here, you can take a deep dive into Pennsylvania politics, elections, public policy, and topics of social interest.

The poll is conducted by F&M's Center for Opinion Research, where we're known for perceptive survey design and insightful analysis. On this site, we'll share what we've learned in over 30 years of conducting public opinion surveys. We'll also release all new F&M polls here.

Our goal is to encourage deeper thinking about what polls mean—to look not only at the results, but at the quality of a specific poll and what the polls collectively reveal about any given election or issue.

Subscribers get our newsletters via email, and also receive all new F&M Poll releases as soon as they are available. We hope you find our work helpful and informative!

Featured Posts

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Democrats’ Dilemma

Should Biden stay in the presidential race, or should he step aside? We review current and historic approval ratings and other data to provide context for this important discussion.

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Franklin & Marshall College Poll Release: PA 10th Congressional District, June 2024

In this poll of registered voters in PA CD-10, we look at the mood of the district's voters and explore the state of the 2024 presidential and congressional races, including the effect of the Trump guilty verdict on voters' choices.

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2024 Primary Recap: Protest Votes and Other Surprises

An analysis of the unexpected outcomes in the 2024 Pennsylvania primary election. We look at how the protest vote, turnout, and geography influenced the results, and what this might mean for the upcoming general election.

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Franklin & Marshall Poll Release: April 2024

See where the 2024 presidential race stands in Pennsylvania, and explore voters' positions on marijuana legalization, voting reforms, and democracy, along with their ratings of President Biden, Governor Shapiro, and Senator Casey.

Recent Posts

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Franklin & Marshall Poll Release: February 2024

Our new poll shows that the 2024 race between Biden and Trump is still close. Other results include the mood of Pennsylvania voters and their positions on marijuana legalization, gambling, and taxes on electric vehicles.

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The 2023 Municipal Election: Abortion Rights Likely Gave Democrats an Advantage

Turnout in Pennsylvania on November 7 was higher than expected, and Democrats won a race they had lost in 2021. We dig into the data to understand why.

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Who is Going to Vote Next Week?

We look at the October 2023 poll to find out what it can tell us about potential voter turnout in the upcoming municipal election, including which party is favored.

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Franklin & Marshall Poll Release: October 2023

We explore the mood of Pennsylvania's voters and their opinions of President Biden, Donald Trump, public schools, crisis pregnancy centers, the Republican presidential primary, and the state Supreme Court election.